Friday, June 18, 2010

from the archive...

Dear Providence,
Remember that summer, way back in 2008, when we wrote you all those letters? Dear Providence, we said, I adore you. I'd just like to thank you for being my home. We told you jokes like, how many artists does it take to screw in a lightbulb? What do you mean you don't remember the answer? Were you even reading our letters?! OK, fine. The answer is three.
We confided in you when we told you that in Providence I found love, and I lost it. We're sorry about that time we called you predictable, but no hard feelings, what we treasure most is that you've shown us Life (even if you never did replace the traffic lights downtown with a roundabout). The point is that we saved all of our letters. Yes, all of them (that's how important you are to us Providence).
But you weren't our first muse. Sorry, we just thought you should know. We've been doing mail art at NUA since 2002. Back then we would send our art and letters back and forth to each other...and we saved all of that too. If you can remember who sent us these floating baby heads, could you let us know?
Oh and by the way, we posted all our letters to you here: Maybe you'd like to look at them again? Just get yourself a box of tissues.
With love,
New Urban Arts


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